In between the earth and ionosphere, pressure is built and lightning strikes causing a frequency of 7.83hz. This is the heartbeat of our planet, they are global electromagnetic resonances called Schumann’s resonance. This phenomenon is named after Professor Winifried Otto Schumann a chemical physicist brought to America during Operation Paperclip (link in future) after the second world war.

The kinks of Schumann’s research were worked out and reading this resonance became reliable in the 1960s. It may be easier to grasp this concept to picture that we do not live 𝘰𝘯 Earth but rather 𝑖𝑛 Earth. These frequencies influence us as the human brain reads at a frequency of 7.83 as well. (tested through EEG’s)

These frequencies have been on a rise. When you awaken yourself and/or hear others speak of an ‘awakening’ or the new ‘great awakening’, Schumann’s resonance is one of the strong influencers of this. (link to awakening in future) This 7.83hz resonance fluctuates and has been staying around 8.5hz and all the way up to 16hz. Factors that can affect this is solar flares and electronic interference. (link to HAARP in future)

It is important to be aware that humans have the technology to alter these frequencies and it is not a far reach to know that some of us would benefit from slowing down our awakening process and are also the ones with the control of such technology. Stay with me as I know this sounds surreal but in time as my blog grows and links are added from my library of over 500 valid references you will see documented proof and 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵 from those who are pretending to be out for your own good. (link to 5G in future)

This is not a spiritual event so much as a physical occurrence having an impact in that manner. This Schumann’s resonance also has a huge part to play in medical science because the finding of Schumann’s studies changed science forever. The fundamental principle of ‘life can only exist where life was present before’ is no longer. The mechanism for this has been understood in a physical manner ie; egg and sperm or spore and cell division. The new concept of the effects of Schumann’s resonance on DNA changed this ‘life needs life’ theory forever. When DNA in water is exposed to this exact frequency of 7.83hz it is able to heal and replicate itself and new DNA can be formed even after the water is cleared of previous strands of DNA and the second this life giving frequency was removed the experiment would fail.

We are electric beings and don’t let anyone tell you different. Ask yourself why this is not all over mainstream media. Why are children not getting taught this in school. Question 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨. Knowledge is power.

Link to more information on how to read the Schumann’s resonance chart (link above) provided by the space observation site: