this picture shows a close up of an eye with a tear layered under a blown up picture of frozen tears resulting from loss
frozen tears resulting from loss

Did you know water can hold messages? Water exposed to positive or negative frequencies will show like patterns when frozen and seen under a microscope. International Health Medical company founder Dr.Masaru Emoto showed how vibrations can affect the material world. Dr. Emoto says that him coming up with such a method is a mystery even to him yet we are thankful he did.

After exposing water to positive words and beautiful music it created an astonishing and wonderful crystal pattern in frozen samples of this water. When other water samples were exposed to negative words and chaotic music like patterns were created.

Dr. Emoto used a vibration measuring machine called an MRA to conduct these experiments. This dynamic has been around forever, but now it has been recorded. Miraculously Dr. Emoto has tapped into the effect of energy onto water. A conclusion found during such experiments is that the absence of hexagonal structures can be seen as a sign of the water in finding areas to be compromised energetically. Dr. Emoto uses this to heal people in his country. link to Rockefeller Medicine here

Related to this is something called the topography of tears. This shows how different emotion shows up in frozen tears. Scientifically, tears are divided into three different types, based on their origin. Both tears of grief and joy are psychic tears, triggered by extreme emotions, whether positive or negative. This was played out in a long photoshoot by Rose-Lynn Fisher whereas she likes to call these images “aerial views of emotion terrain”. No matter what it’s called it is amazing.

This concept has been used in different ways as in the rice experiment. Boiled rice from the same batch is split in two, stored in different containers in different rooms. When these labeled jars are exposed to positive words such as ‘I love you’ or ‘thank you’ the rice is fine yet when exposed to negative terms such as ‘I hate you’ or ‘you fool’ the rice starts turning black.

This alternative to western thinking is an important one as you will find in more of my future Blogs related to this. (link to frequency used as a weapon in future)