Malum In Se

Exposing Evil in a Civilized Society

Page 4 of 16

Generational Trauma and Family Curses

What can history, science, and possible curses tell us more about why besides genetics and learned behaviors we have an invisible silver cord attached to our ancestors? How many generations do we go back? In North Korea punishments involve three… Continue Reading →

Transhumanism Implemented by the Inorganic Ones_A New Genesis

“The Transhuman ideology is so terrifying that most people just cannot grasp its enormity. Transhumans fully intend to hijack the evolutionary process of genetic structuring in order to create Humanity 2.0. This means treating human DNA like computer code”. ⁃… Continue Reading →

Exposing Scientific Dogma

I transcripted this video while adding my own thoughts as my next blog piece ‘Transhumanism’ is taking too long to produce. Enjoy. On January 12, 2013, Rupert Sheldrake gave the following talk at TEDxWhitechapel. The theme of the night was… Continue Reading →

Menu_Malum In Se

Sticky post

WordPress does not give me a menu so this is my way of providing so. Below are the titles to all my posts/articles in alphabetical order. To be honest I pay to work instead of the normal way and menus… Continue Reading →

Euphrates River and the Sixth Bowl of Judgement_Revelation 16

The Euphrates River is drying up with signs revealing things written about in the book of Revelations from the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. We are watching the source from which humanity grew, dry up. Many people believe that the drying… Continue Reading →

Facts About all the Doorknob _”Suicides”_Murders

Each of these deaths although similar in a certain fashion is unique to each individual of course. Though I do want all to make their own opinion for the most part we all should not believe that these deaths could… Continue Reading →

The Science Behind “So Cute I Want To Squish It”

Have you ever wondered why personally or having heard someone say “It is so cute I want to squoosh it? What kind of monsters are we? It is really rather simple. This feeling is actually a mechanism built into us… Continue Reading →

A Thousand Points of Light_Mother of Darkness Castle

In his Inaugural Speech, President Bush said:“I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good. We will work hand in hand, encouraging, sometimes leading, sometimes… Continue Reading →

Art as a Medium for the Outraged 99%_Download

A meme is defined as being short for the Greek word, mimeme, which means “imitated thing.” These “imitated things” are used to explain the way cultural information spreads. This translates into an image having just the right image and the… Continue Reading →

Everything the Media Left Out of the Aaron Swartz Story

NOTE***** Below the facts are official documents from a court proceeding held on the fifteenth of March two thousand and thirteen to have information regarding individuals mentioned here suppressed, in the name of privacy. Finding this article saved me a… Continue Reading →

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