Exposing Evil in a Civilized Society

Tag satanism

Was Mark Twain a Satanic Pedophile?

It seems that after all research is done on the topic of satanic pedophiles the list for who isn’t a satanic pedophile will be shorter than for who is. I am reposting after finding this article and verifying its claims… Continue Reading →

Understanding the Kabbalistic Tree of Life_What It’s Used For

Ironically I am going backward in this post so what I want my readers to learn is first. Ironic because everything in Dark Magick is done backward. Although some people might disagree, the fountain or basis of most Western Magic… Continue Reading →

A Thousand Points of Light_Mother of Darkness Castle

In his Inaugural Speech, President Bush said:“I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good. We will work hand in hand, encouraging, sometimes leading, sometimes… Continue Reading →

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